
The night I slept in Trafalgar Square

The night I slept in Trafalgar Square

When I was young(er), I was pretty reckless about my safety. I also had two beliefs: (1) that I should always do anything a man could and (2) that people were essentially good so nothing terrible would ever happen to me. And that's how I came to be sleeping in...

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My top 10 Aussie films of the 2000s

My top 10 Aussie films of the 2000s

I was recently invited to be a guest on a podcast, speaking about the best 10 Australian films of the 2000s. My first reaction was ‘That’s a LOT!’ But when I sat down to revisit some of my faves, my shortlist had 30 films on it. I’ve now narrowed that down to ten but...

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All the jobs I’ve been fired from

All the jobs I’ve been fired from

This month marks four years with the same employer, which is the longest I’ve ever held a job by a long shot. The greatest skill I've acquired over my career is getting fired from jobs. I've lost almost as many jobs as I've actually had. Employers seem to either want...

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The YES passports and the NO passports

The YES passports and the NO passports

This week marks the five year anniversary of Australia’s “offshore processing” centres – which means that many of the refugees have now been trapped on Manus and Nauru for half a decade. On this date in 2013, I had recently returned to Australia after 10 years of...

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