What could possibly go wrong on a film set? (A heck of a lot.)
I had never stepped onto a film set before I decided to write and produce my feature film Zelos. Because how hard could it possibly be, right? Surprisingly (to me at least) it turns out that there are a quite a LOT of things that go wrong on a film set. This is by no...
The Book of Mormon is racist – why isn’t anyone talking about it?
When I saw The Book of Mormon, all I knew was that everybody loved it – from Oprah Winfrey to Jon Stewart. One of the most successful musicals of all time, the show has won nine Tony Awards and grossed over $500 million. It is also incredibly racist. Yes I know the...
Harry and Meghan are doing a Royal Tour of Australia – so what?
I do not care that their Royal Duke and Duchess-nesses have graced us with their presence. There, I said it. Australia is currently whipping itself into a frenzy over Harry and Meghan’s Royal Tour, and I for one can not understand it. While we’re counting ourselves...
5 things I learned about consent at Catholic School
I’ve been following the Brett Kavanaugh case pretty closely. Last week, I watched the most powerful man in the world mock a sexual assault survivor, the crowd around him laughing and nudging each other - and I was amazed to see that many of them were female. I...
The night I slept in Trafalgar Square
When I was young(er), I was pretty reckless about my safety. I also had two beliefs: (1) that I should always do anything a man could and (2) that people were essentially good so nothing terrible would ever happen to me. And that's how I came to be sleeping in...
Making friends in your 30s is like dating in your 20s
I recently moved to a new city where I didn’t really know anyone so making friends was kind of a priority. Okay, not that recently but I’ve been busy. Okay, it’s been a year and a half and I’ve been putting it off. Because making friends in your 30s is pretty darn...
My top 10 Aussie films of the 2000s
I was recently invited to be a guest on a podcast, speaking about the best 10 Australian films of the 2000s. My first reaction was ‘That’s a LOT!’ But when I sat down to revisit some of my faves, my shortlist had 30 films on it. I’ve now narrowed that down to ten but...
Dear Liz Gilbert, ‘Eat Pray Love’ ruined everything.
Dear Elizabeth Gilbert, You're probably a lovely person but I just wanted to let you know that Eat, Pray, Love ruined everything. I’m glad you found yourself and your handsome Brazilian after what sounds like a painful divorce. I accept that millions of readers have...
All the jobs I’ve been fired from
This month marks four years with the same employer, which is the longest I’ve ever held a job by a long shot. The greatest skill I've acquired over my career is getting fired from jobs. I've lost almost as many jobs as I've actually had. Employers seem to either want...
The YES passports and the NO passports
This week marks the five year anniversary of Australia’s “offshore processing” centres – which means that many of the refugees have now been trapped on Manus and Nauru for half a decade. On this date in 2013, I had recently returned to Australia after 10 years of...
Toy guns and pocket knives in Lebanon
I was honoured this week to be named winner of the 2018 Amnesty International Blogging Competition. The piece I wrote, "Stateless in Shatila: Palestine's Perpetual Refugees” was a reflection on the few days I spent in a Palestinian refugee camp in Beirut. Although...