Travel in the Time of Coronavirus

Travel in the Time of Coronavirus

Cancelled flights, missed connections, airport chaos, and a 72 hour journey home Of course I knew that travelling to Europe would carry some risks. But as I breezed through my five-week holiday, I skimmed over news articles about airport chaos and considered myself...
To My Mother Who Danced With Turkish Carpet Sellers

To My Mother Who Danced With Turkish Carpet Sellers

When I visited Turkey with my mother 12 years ago, we parted at the train station in Istanbul — she was on her way to Athens and a flight back to Australia, I was headed for the Middle East, not knowing when I would see her again. When the Kurdish boy working in our...
The night I slept in Trafalgar Square

The night I slept in Trafalgar Square

When I was young(er), I was pretty reckless about my safety. I also had two beliefs: (1) that I should always do anything a man could and (2) that people were essentially good so nothing terrible would ever happen to me. And that’s how I came to be sleeping in...