How to cope with a narcissist

How to cope with a narcissist

I spent a few horrible years working closely with someone who was a full-blown narcissist. I don’t mean difficult to work with, I mean ticked every single box when I googled “what is a narcissist”. It was only after watching this person systematically destroy others...
Hard truths about making an indie film

Hard truths about making an indie film

I was recently told that on social media, my life looks like a series of red carpets. But while I have stood on the occasional bit of crimson to promote my independent film Zelos, the reality of making an indie feature bears no resemblance to my Instagram account...
All the jobs I’ve been fired from

All the jobs I’ve been fired from

This month marks four years with the same employer, which is the longest I’ve ever held a job by a long shot. The greatest skill I’ve acquired over my career is getting fired from jobs. I’ve lost almost as many jobs as I’ve actually had. Employers...